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Dos and Don’ts of Market Research for Startups

by Hira

For your startup to have any chance of success, you need knowledge – of your industry, your product, your competition, and other forces that may have a direct or indirect influence on your business. 

Market research is the tool through which you gain answers to fundamental questions and acquire the knowledge needed to operate your startup successfully. But most startups are fixated on a few areas – that align with their founder’s ideology and ignore the rest of the areas that matter. 

To avoid this trap, here’s a list of dos and don’ts of market research for startups.

Dos of Market Research for Startups

Understand Your Market and Audience:

Conduct in-depth research to identify your target market’s needs, preferences, and behaviors. Gather demographic information, understand purchasing habits, and identify pain points. This ensures your product or service aligns with actual market demand, reducing the risk of launching something irrelevant.​ 

Conduct Competitive Analysis:

Analyze your competitors to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. Identify their strategies, what they do well, and where they fall short. Use this information to differentiate your offerings and identify opportunities in the market that competitors may have missed.​ 

Utilize a Variety of Research Methods:

Based on your business and industry, choose appropriate research methods. Use both structured and unstructured research to gain crucial insights to inform decisions. 

Employ both qualitative methods (like interviews, focus groups) and quantitative methods (such as surveys, data analytics). Qualitative methods provide detailed insights into customer attitudes and motivations, while quantitative methods offer statistical validity and broader trends.​ 

Engage with Market Research Experts:

Consult market research professionals to enhance the quality and accuracy of your research. Experts can provide advanced techniques, avoid common pitfalls, and offer valuable insights that you might not have considered. This ensures your research is thorough and reliable​ and the insights revealed are accurate and actionable. 

Leverage Technology:

Use modern tools and technologies like AI and data analytics to streamline your market research process. These tools can handle large datasets efficiently, uncover hidden patterns, and provide deeper insights faster than traditional methods. This allows for more accurate and actionable data.​ 

Continuously Monitor and Adapt:

Treat market research as a continuous activity. Regularly monitor market trends, customer feedback, and changes in the competitive landscape. This helps you stay relevant and adapt your strategies based on new information, keeping your business agile and responsive to market shifts​.

Don'ts of Market Research for Startups

Don’t Base Decisions on Assumptions:

Avoid making decisions based on assumptions or anecdotal evidence. Ensure all your decisions are backed by solid data and research findings. This minimizes the risk of launching products or services that do not meet market needs​.

Don’t Underestimate the Competition:

Do not narrowly define or underestimate your competition. Consider both direct and indirect competitors. A comprehensive analysis helps you understand the full competitive landscape and prepares you for potential challenges.​ 

Don’t Ignore Customer Feedback:

Failing to listen to and incorporate customer feedback can result in products or services that miss the mark. Regularly seek and act on customer insights to refine and improve your offerings, ensuring they meet market demands​.

Don’t Rush the Research Process:

Avoid rushing through market research. Thorough research takes time and cutting corners can lead to incomplete or inaccurate insights, which can negatively impact your decision-making. Allocate adequate time to gather and analyze data thoroughly​.

Don’t Rely Solely on One Method:

Using only one research method can limit your understanding of the market. Employ multiple methods to gather diverse and comprehensive data. This approach provides a more holistic view and reduces the risk of blind spots in your market understanding.​ 

Don’t Ignore Changes in the Market:

Stay Updated: Markets are dynamic and constantly evolving. Ignoring changes in trends, customer preferences, or the competitive landscape can lead to missed opportunities and strategic errors. Stay updated and be flexible, ready to adapt your strategies based on new market information​.

Narrowing Your Focus

Get Your Positioning Right
  • Clear Market Gap Identification: Identify a specific market gap that your startup can address effectively.
  • Clear Point of Differentiation: Ensure your offering has a unique selling proposition that sets it apart from competitors.
Keep in Mind
  • Avoid positions that are already occupied by your competitors. Aim for a distinct position in the market.
  • Clearly define your objectives. When you have a single, well-defined path, guided by data and aligned with your vision and mission, you are more likely to make quick progress and stay in control of the process.
  • While you might choose to broaden your focus later, as a startup, having clear objectives and focused efforts is crucial for early success.
Clearly Define Objectives

When you’re headed on a single path – that is defined clearly, is illuminated with data, and aligns with your vision and mission, you are more likely to make quick progress and be in control during the process. 

While you may decide to divide your focus, later on, being a startup, clear objectives and focused efforts are your best friends. 

Track and Improve Relevant KPIs
Retention Rate 

Retention rate allows you to measure the effectiveness of your strategies. Low retention rates mean something in your strategy requires attention. 

Churn Rate 

While it’s normal for customers to abandon you, too high a churn rate is a problem. So, you need to keep an eye on the churn rate to see if you are losing more customers than you would like. 

Net Promoter Score 

Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures customer loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend a company, product, or service to others.

Assuming the 8/20 rule holds true for your startup, the net promoter score will help you determine the customers that constitute the top 20%.

Once you determine the vital few, focus on serving them to the best – as they will constitute 80% of your sales. 

The same applies to your digital strategy and make it your priority 

Expand Efforts on Areas that Matter

KPIs allow you to determine areas that need your attention the most – focus on improving your performance on relevant KPIs to ensure swift progress toward your objectives.


Market research can range from simple to complex, and not every startup has the expertise to choose the right methodology and obtain accurate results. Therefore, it is important to leverage market research services to uncover crucial insights that will inform your strategic decisions and lead to desired outcomes. By doing so, your startup can gain a comprehensive understanding of market trends, customer preferences, and competitive dynamics, enabling you to make informed decisions that align with your vision and drive significant progress. Additionally, professional market research can help identify potential risks and opportunities, ensuring that your business remains agile and responsive in a rapidly changing marketplace.