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Do You Need a Content Management System for Your Website?

by Hira

To answer the question of whether you need a CMS for your website or not, let’s compare two scenarios:

Without a CMS, the content on your website would be stored and managed in the database, and if at any point you decide to make any changes to the content, you will require coding expertise to do it properly. Simple to state but not everyone’s cup of tea to execute.

Having a CMS, on the other hand, allows you to manage, publish, revise, and organize your content without coding expertise – which is a lot simpler to execute – especially for non-developers.

There’s your answer. But wait! That’s barely enough information to make a decision. It would be much better to have a deeper understanding of the subject – which the sections below are going to help you develop….

What Does a CMS Promise?

What Does a CMS Promise?

Publishing: CMS platforms provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for content publishing. This empowers website owners, even those without extensive technical knowledge, to effortlessly publish articles, images, videos, and other multimedia content. The streamlined process ensures that fresh and relevant information reaches the audience promptly.
Revision – Swift Editing and Version Control: Content management systems allow swift editing of content and keep a detailed record of changes made over time. Content creators can easily revert to previous versions, enhancing collaboration and minimizing the risk of errors.
Indexing, Organizing, and Searching: CMS platforms enable seamless categorization of content, making it easier for both website visitors and owners to locate specific information. This contributes to a more user-friendly experience for visitors and efficient content management for website owners.

A Cost-Effective Way to Set Up Websites

Payouts to Expert Developers Saved: CMS platforms significantly reduce the dependency on expert developers for routine website updates. The intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionalities allow non-technical users to manage and update content without the need for extensive coding skills. This, in turn, leads to substantial cost savings as businesses can allocate resources more efficiently.
Payouts to Designers Saved: CMS platforms often come with a variety of templates, reducing the need for custom web design from scratch. This not only accelerates the website development process but also cuts down on design costs.
Maintenance Costs Saved: Regular website maintenance is simplified with CMS, as updates, security patches, and plugin installations can be executed with minimal effort. This reduces the need for extensive technical support and maintenance costs.
Cost-effective Scaling: CMS platforms are designed to accommodate growth seamlessly. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, CMS allows you to scale your website without incurring exorbitant development costs.

Implementing CMS

Creating a New Website using CMS

Building a webpage with a CMS is a straightforward process. Here are four general steps applicable to most CMS platforms:
Step 1: Choose a CMS Platform: Begin by selecting a CMS that aligns with your website goals and technical requirements. Popular choices include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Consider factors like user-friendliness, scalability, and community support.
Step 2: Install and Configure: After choosing a CMS, follow the installation instructions provided by the platform. This typically involves downloading the CMS files, creating a database, and configuring basic settings. Most CMS platforms offer easy-to-follow installation wizards.
Step 3: Select a Theme or Template: Customize the appearance of your website by choosing a suitable theme or template. CMS platforms usually provide a variety of options, allowing you to select a design that matches your brand. Themes can be further customized to meet specific design preferences.
Step 4: Create and Publish Content: Use the CMS dashboard to add pages, posts, or other content types. Most CMS platforms provide a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, allowing you to create and format content without any coding knowledge. Once satisfied, publish your content, making it accessible to your website visitors.

Adding New Pages

There’s a simple process to add pages once your website is ready, that involves the steps mentioned below:
Access the CMS Dashboard Log in to the CMS admin panel and navigate to the section where you manage pages or content.
Create a New Page Use the “Add New” or similar option to create a new page. Provide a title, choose a URL structure, and input the content using the editor.
Customize Page Settings Adjust settings such as page attributes, featured images, and metadata. This step allows you to optimize the new page for search engines and improve user experience.
Publish or Save Draft Once satisfied with the page content and settings, publish the new page to make it live on your website. Alternatively, you can save it as a draft if further edits are needed.

Moving Your Existing Website to a CMS

Data Migration: Export content from your current website, including text, images, and other media. Convert this data into a format compatible with your chosen CMS. Most CMS platforms offer import tools or plugins to facilitate this process.
Integration: Adjust the design and structure of your existing website to fit the CMS framework. This may involve recreating the website layout using the CMS’s theme or template system. Integrate additional features or functionalities provided by the CMS.
Testing: Thoroughly test the migrated website to ensure all content is correctly transferred, and functionalities work as intended. Check for broken links, formatting issues, and test any interactive elements. Conduct testing on different devices and browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility.

Options for CMS Implementation

Choose Between a Headless CMS and a Traditional CMS

Traditional CMS: Traditional CMS handles both the frontend and the backend. This includes managing data (text, videos, images) and the presentation layer (layout and visual presentation). Examples of traditional CMS include, Joomla, and Drupal. These platforms are versatile and suitable for various types of websites, offering a comprehensive solution for those who prefer an all-in-one approach.
Headless CMS: Headless CMS, on the other hand, decouples the backend from the frontend. This separation provides more flexibility in content delivery across various platforms and devices. Developers can use APIs to fetch content, allowing for a more tailored and dynamic user experience. While this approach offers greater flexibility, it might be more complex to manage for those who don’t require extensive customization.

Choose Between On-Premise Deployment and On-Cloud Deployment

On-Premise Deployment:

On-premise deployment involves hosting the CMS on your own servers, allowing deep customization of the CMS core. This level of control is beneficial for organizations with specific security, regulatory, or customization requirements. Examples of CMS suitable for on-premise deployment include, Joomla, and Drupal.

On-Cloud Deployment:

Cloud-based CMS solutions, such as, WIX, and Shopify, offer a simplified solution with limited control. This is suitable for those who prioritize ease of use, scalability, and lower maintenance overhead. Cloud-based solutions are managed by the service provider, reducing the burden on users for technical aspects like server maintenance.

Choose the CMS that Aligns with Your Goals

Here are the popular choices based on common business goals:
WIX CMS: WIX is an ideal choice when your website heavily relies on visuals. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface simplifies the creation of visually appealing websites without requiring extensive design or coding skills. WIX is particularly suitable for small businesses, portfolios, and creative ventures where aesthetics play a crucial role in the user experience.
WordPress: WordPress, with its robust blogging capabilities, is the go-to choice when written content is a primary focus. Its user-friendly interface and extensive library of plugins make it suitable for bloggers, content creators, and businesses that prioritize textual content. WordPress powers a significant portion of the internet, showcasing its adaptability and community support.
Shopify: Shopify specializes in setting up e-commerce stores, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to sell products online. It provides a user-friendly platform for managing products, orders, and payments. Shopify’s e-commerce-centric features, scalability, and a range of templates cater specifically to the needs of online retailers, streamlining the process of building and managing an online store.

Choose Between a Single CMS and a Combination of CMSs

If you want to combine the benefits of let’s say, WordPress and Shopify based on your unique needs, you can do that via APIs.

Going for a single CMS, on the other hand, is a lot simpler. It should be the natural choice if all that you require is offered by a single CMS provider


Publishing and managing content on a website are no longer tasks that require development expertise – thanks to content management systems. A CMS makes it easy for non-developers to organize, manage, and publish content (including text, images, and videos) on a website.

Depending on your choice, you can either set up your entire website using a CMS or choose a combination of a CMS and a front-end framework of your choice integrated via an API. The former being simpler to manage, and the latter being more customizable.

You can also choose between on-premise and on-cloud deployment based on the degree of control you want – and the amount of complications you are willing to handle that inevitably come with greater control.

Lastly, you have the choice of specific CMS software based on what you require and what certain CMS platforms promise.