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Optimize Your Content Marketing Strategy For Traffic and Leads

Hira Fareed

The success of your content marketing strategy is measured by the amount of traffic you are able to draw. And ideally, you would want a portion of your traffic to turn into leads. Leads allow you to personalize your strategy – you can engage and nurture individual leads and guide them towards the conversion – turning them into customers.

On the digital landscape you do that primarily through content, and this blog will tell you how exactly.

The Science of Drawing Traffic

Traffic is the number of visitors on your website, and you want as many of them as possible and the more relevant (likely to be interested in your offering) they are, the better.

There are various ways a visitor might end up on your website. Hence the traffic is categorzied into the following types:

Search Traffic

Search traffic refers to the visitors who land on your website through search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. These users find your site by typing in keywords or phrases relevant to your business, and then clicking on your link in the search results.

What does it indicate?

Search traffic is a strong indicator of your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) performance. High search traffic means that your site ranks well for keywords relevant to your business, suggesting effective SEO strategies and valuable content. It reflects the visibility and authority of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs).

How to maximize it

  • Keyword Research: Identify and target the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for your industry.
  • Quality Content: Create high-quality, informative, and engaging content that addresses the needs and questions of your target audience.
  • On-Page SEO: Optimize your website’s meta tags, headers, URL structure, and internal linking to improve search engine ranking.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as search engines prioritize mobile-friendly sites.
  • Backlinks: Build high-quality backlinks from reputable sites to boost your site’s authority and ranking.
  • User Experience: Enhance site speed, navigation, and overall user experience to reduce bounce rates and increase dwell time.

Direct Traffic

Direct traffic comprises visitors who arrive at your website by typing your URL directly into their browser, using bookmarks, or through other direct means. It can also include traffic from sources like social media apps and email when not properly tagged.

Keep in mind

Web analytics counts any traffic coming from outside the browser as direct traffic. This includes traffic from social media apps and email if those links are not tagged with tracking parameters (UTMs).

What does it indicate?

Direct traffic often signifies brand awareness and loyalty, as users are intentionally visiting your site. It reflects the effectiveness of your brand recognition and offline marketing efforts.

How to maximize it

  • Brand Awareness Campaigns: Invest in offline and online marketing campaigns to build brand recognition.
  • Email Marketing: Optimize your email marketing strategy by including direct links to your website. Use UTMs to properly track these visits.
  • Customer Engagement: Encourage repeat visits by offering valuable content, regular updates, and engaging with your audience through newsletters and social media.
  • Offline Promotions: Utilize print media, TV, radio ads, and events to promote your website URL directly to your target audience.

Referral Traffic

Referral traffic refers to visitors who arrive at your website through links on other websites, excluding search engines. These can be links from blogs, review sites, social media platforms, and other online sources.

What does it indicate?

Referral traffic indicates how well your content is distributed across the web and how effective your partnerships and content marketing strategies are. It shows the extent of your website’s visibility and credibility in relevant online communities.

How to maximize it?

  • Content Sharing: Share your content on relevant third-party sites, such as industry blogs, forums, and social media groups.
  • Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for reputable websites in your industry, including links back to your site.
  • Partnerships: Form strategic partnerships with other businesses to share each other’s content and drive traffic.
  • Social Media: Actively participate in social media platforms, sharing your content and engaging with users to drive traffic from these sources.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers who can share your content and link to your site, driving their followers to your pages.

To increase traffic…

Break down where the traffic is coming from and maximize each type of traffic using the mentioned techniques

From Traffic to Leads – Through the Conversion Funnel

Converting traffic into leads requires a well-structured and strategically executed funnel. Each stage of the funnel – Awareness, Consideration, and Action – demands distinct approaches to move prospects closer to becoming loyal customers. Here’s how to optimize each stage of the funnel:

Top of the Funnel – Awareness

The goal at the top of the funnel is to attract as wide an audience as possible. This stage is about visibility and drawing attention from potential customers who may not yet know about your brand.

Blog Posts: Publish informative, engaging, and SEO-optimized blog posts that address the pain points and interests of your target audience. Use keyword research to identify relevant topics.

Social Media: Leverage platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to share valuable content and engage with a broader audience. Utilize hashtags and participate in trending conversations to increase visibility.

Middle of the Funnel – Consideration

Once you have attracted potential leads, the next step is to nurture them by providing more detailed information and building a relationship.

E-books and Whitepapers

Offer in-depth guides and reports that provide value and establish your brand as an authority in your industry. These should be gated content, requiring users to provide contact information to access them.

Webinars and Videos

Host webinars and produce video content that dives deeper into topics of interest to your audience, offering actionable insights and showcasing your expertise.

Email Marketing

Drip Campaigns: Implement automated email sequences that provide valuable content over time, helping to keep your brand top-of-mind and nurturing leads through the funnel.

Personalization: Use segmentation to tailor email content to the specific interests and behaviors of your leads.

Case Studies and Testimonials

Showcase Success Stories: Share detailed case studies and customer testimonials that highlight how your product or service has solved problems for other businesses. This builds credibility and trust.

Bottom of the Funnel – Action (Conversion)

At this stage, the goal is to convert nurtured leads into paying customers. This involves compelling them to take action through targeted tactics.

Social Proof:

Social proof, such as reviews, testimonials, and case studies, can significantly reduce buyer hesitation by showing real-world success stories and endorsements.

It also demonstrates that your solution is trusted and effective.

Ways to show social proof

  • Customer Reviews: Highlight positive reviews on your website and product pages.
  • Success Metrics: Share quantitative data from successful case studies.
  • Endorsements: Utilize influencer endorsements and partnerships to add credibility.

CTAs (Call to Actions):

CTA buttons are the actual conversion portals where anonymous visitors convert into a lead.

Tips for Making Your Funnel Effective:

CTA Optimization


Above the Fold: Place primary CTAs above the fold so visitors see them without scrolling.

End of Content: Include CTAs at the end of articles or videos to capture interested prospects.

Button Content:

Action-Oriented Language: Use verbs that encourage action, like “Start”, “Explore”, “Discover”.

Benefit-Focused: Highlight the benefit, e.g., “Get Your Free Guide”.

The Power of Visuals:

Color: Use contrasting colors to make CTAs stand out and consider the psychological impact of colors (e.g., red for urgency, blue for trust) to align with your brand and message.

Font Size: Ensure readability with larger fonts for headings and CTAs, and maintain a comfortable size for body text to keep visitors engaged without strain.

Other Important Elements: Use high-quality images and videos to illustrate points, white space to avoid clutter and guide focus, and icons and graphics to break up text and enhance visual appeal.

Emphasis On the Right Words and Images

Rational triggers
If you want to overtly emphasize a point embolden it or capitalize it – it is best to employ this technique for points that will logically convince your reader to take the desired action.

Emotional triggers
The opposite holds true for emotional triggers – they have to be covert and subtle.

Headlines and Copywriting

Incorporate power words
These words enhance the impact of your copy and increase the chance of conversion by convincing your reader to take action on a subliminal level – that is to say, the reader may not consciously read or remember these words but simply gazing over them tilts the decision he is about to make in your favor. 

Examples of power words include: Free, proven, and the like.

Benefits over features
They are more interested in what a feature can do for them than what a particular feature is. Know your audience’s pain points and aspirations and draw a logical connection between your feature and their desire.

Smooth checkout

Around 70% revert their buying decisions due to cumbersome checkout procedure.

Hence if you optimze your website’s forms and checkout pages, you can significantly boost conversions. Ensure that you only ask for necessary information, like order details or billing information.


Content marketing involves drawing your potential prospects to your website by providing valuable content. Once you have traffic on your site, you can focus on turning them into leads and ultimately into customers.

This blog cover in detail the intricacies of attracting traffic and deploying funnels to guide visitors toward conversion and provides practical tips. However, many businesses lack the expertise to effectively execute and optimize a content marketing strategy for optimal results. For these businesses, partnering with an established marketing agency that understands how to leverage various digital channels can significantly enhance the impact of their content marketing efforts.